Monday, June 16, 2014

Menu Plan Monday

I keep telling myself that if I would just plan my meals, my evenings would be a lot less crazy!  You would think summer would be full of fun, relaxing, swimming, etc., but NO!  In addition to working full time with an hour commute each way every. single. day., on Mondays and Tuesdays, I'm at the gym.  Also on Tuesdays, Mike works court, Wednesdays is gymnastics with Sarah and Thursdays-Sundays are pretty free, but I am playing catch up with housework and I'm doing two loads of laundry each night trying to keep camp clothes and work clothes clean. Thank goodness I don't have that extra 100 pounds on me anymore, I get around quicker now and have A LOT more energy.

Since I recently bought nearly $300 worth of groceries, and while I had a moment, I thought I would go ahead and hash out the weekly menu plan.  And it goes a little something like this.

Blueberry muffins
Fruit Loops
Breakfast burritos

Ham/Turkey sandwich or roll-up
Grape tomatoes
Goldfish crackers

Monday - Hamburger Helper Buffalo Chicken, green beans, rolls
Tuesday (court night) - Pizza and/or Soup
Wednesday - BBQ Ranch Crockpot Chicken, rice and mixed veggies
Thursday - Pork chops, green beans and rice
Friday - It's pay and hopefully dinner out with friends!

That's what our week looks like!

Check out more weekly menus over at!


  1. I sometimes plan out all three meals too. I like seeing that because sometimes you can get stuck in a rut and it's good to get ideas for breakfast and lunch too.

    1. Yes I agree. I have to make lunches every day for camp for the girls AND send snacks and I try to have a variety so I can mix it up. Luckily, they do have pizza and hotdog days at camp (YMCA), it's cheap and it gets me out of having to make lunches! Thanks for stopping by!


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