Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Sad Day for Me....

I've been so busy lately I haven't had time to blog!  I told myself I was not going to be lazy this summer with the kids not in school and not having homework, etc., despite how hot it was outside.  I hate hot weather.  It's not necessarily the heat, it's the humidity!  Ugh!!!!  We have had fun this summer, spending time with great friends, going to  the pool at the YMCA (we have a great pool) with friends.  The kids have had a blast. 
The friends we hang around are work for the same police department as Mike, we always hear the same ole stories and they are just as funny the 15th time as the 1st.  We all have the same concerns with our husband's jobs especially since one of our own police officers was killed in the line of duty back in December and left behind a wife and two babies.  Among the core group, there are 4 families and between us 4 families there are 11 kids ranging in age from 2 years old to 12 years old, only 4 of which are girls!  It gets pretty crazy sometimes.  AND we all go to church together.  We are a pretty tight group.  We have been getting with everyone once a week for potluck dinners.  It has really been fun. 
My computer crashed at work and I had to have it cleaned out so I've been a little scared to get on the internet too much.  I mean after all, I am at work, ya know? 
I am little sad today.  Maggie left this morning for her first church camp in Mississippi.  It's probably 3-4 hours away from where we live.  She just turned 9 in May.  Don't get me wrong, she has spent the night away from home lots, but never out of state.  She will be home on Thursday evening, but still, I'm sad she won't be home and I can't talk to her or anything!  I've been a mess today.  We were all crying this morning, me, Maggie and Sarah.  I know she will be fine, I'm just going to miss my baby so much!


  1. I would be a crazy mess if my daugter was going to be gone, OUT OF STATE!!
    My Mom wanted to take her out of town for a week and I just couldn't deal with it so I said "no!" Neither of them were very happy with me. What was I supposed to do? Eclipse was coming out and I needed someone to see it with! LOL

  2. Heather, that is funny! I told my husband if we didn't let her go away like that, especially with the church, she would grow up and be that weird girl who always lived with her parents and went to the beauty shop to get her hair done at the age of 30! :-)


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